Información aquí.
Aparte ejecuto este script porque el problema puede deberse a usuarios que se han creado con un schema de AD de 2003. Habría que subir cuando antes el nivel funcional.
# Description: This script will add missing permissions for the Terminal #Server License Server group to user objects in Active Directory. # This may solve problems with TS CALs not beeing issued and event id #4105 being logged at the license server. # Constants $URL = "LDAP://DC=uco,DC=es"; cls $root = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry $URL $ds = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $ds.PageSize = 2000 $ds.SearchRoot = $root $ds.filter = "objectCategory=Person" $src = $ds.findall() write-host "Found" $src.count "user objects.`n" $src | %{ $de = $_.getdirectoryentry() $accessrules = $de.get_objectsecurity().getaccessrules($true, $false,[System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) | ?{$_.ObjectType -eq "5805bc62-bdc9-4428-a5e2-856a0f4c185e"} if ((measure-object -inputobject $accessrules).count -eq 0) { $ar = new-object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]"S-1-5-32-561", 48, "Allow", [guid]"5805bc62-bdc9-4428-a5e2-856a0f4c185e") $de.get_objectsecurity().addaccessrule($ar) $de.commitchanges() write-host -f yellow ("Added:`t" + $["sAMAccountName"]) start-sleep -m 200 } else { write-host -f green ("OK:`t" + $["sAMAccountName"]) } }
Last modified 8 años ago
Modificado por última vez en fecha 31/05/2017 10:44:49